Thursday, July 9, 2015

Part 15

Charlie’s truck reeked of stale cigarettes, garlic, and old coffee. The stench slammed Bounds in the face as he got into the passenger’s seat, a more effective wake-up than any alarm clock.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Part 14

Danny Bounds was exhausted when Charlie pulled up in front of his house in her dirty truck and leaned on the horn. He had to sprint down the front walk before she woke up the whole street, feeling like a man whose mistress has shown up at his doorstep on Christmas morning.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Part 13

Nothing of interest was going on behind the Chief’s door. Not unless you found lectures on common decency, respect, and acting your age to be fun-filled thrill rides. Charlie didn’t, but she sat across from the Chief trying to look contrite and nod at the right times. Her attitude was more like that of a troublesome child instead of a full-grown woman.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Part 12

Here’s how a nameless creature handles the issue of breakfast. It hunts. Curfew notwithstanding, there were always a few souls willing to brave the night: a businessman returning from a meeting that had run late, a dinner guest that had overstayed their welcome, and teenagers.

Always teenagers, a never-ending supply, young enough to think they’ll live forever and old enough to think that they don’t care if they do. Teenagers sneaking into the park at night for a romantic rendezvous, or stumbling home drunk from a house party. Easier prey than even children, because teenagers had a modicum of freedom. It would be hours before they were missed.

The creature sniffed the cool night air. There was blood on the wind. The tide was changing. A new moon rose. The hunt began.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Part 11

George Foster went home, had breakfast, made love to his wife, plotted how to deal with Charlie Black and Danny Bounds, paid some bills, called his son, took a power nap, made some work-related phone-calls, filled out some paperwork, and prepared for another long night. George Foster knew how to manage his time.